2) Shaleya Poshan Aahar Yojana : (Midday Meal Scheme)

Government has launched ‘Mid Day Meal’ scheme to increase attendance of pupils , to provide balanced diet and to reduce their malnutrition.  This scheme is implemented from 1995 for the primary students. Before 2003 the student was given 3kg dry rice  for 80% attendance  in school. Thereafter  as per the orders issued by the supreme court, from Jan 2003  cooked rice  is being given as mid day meal. Mid-day meal  is being given in various forms as Dal-bhat, Kadi-Bhat, Bhaji-bhat, Khichadi, God-b hat, Dudha-bhat etc on different days to make it delicious.  Eggs or bananas are given once a week as the supplementary food (purak poshan aahar). The scheme is executed in 1957 schools and 217,828 students are reaping benefits of the scheme. This scheme is meant for students of Z. P. and private aided schools.